just like sunny days we ignore

just like sunny days we ignore.

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just like sunny days we ignore.
what does it mean to u? sunny days are meant for jack to play? wishing for sunny days when its a rainy day? or the weather means nothing much to u because its part of life and it goes round in a circle?
to me.this line alone means so much more than anything else in the world.
even more than i love you's.this is cause love is not everything.appreciation is.
what ties sunny days to appreciation?

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sunny day

my view.
ever wished for sunny days when its a rainy day? and when its actually a sunny day, u waste your time doing nothing useful? in life, appreciation is everything.with appreciation,everything is possible.and through appreciation comes love.it's like, if u appreciate what your parents is doing for u all this while, u'l learn to love them and try to repay what they've been doing for u.and this basically can be applied to every single thing in the world.

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give and take

understand give and take concept?
when u appreciate something, u'l start to give things out, and expect something in return, something like appreciation of what u've done.so this actually goes round in a circle.
u appreciate someone, u give what you have like love and care to them, if they feel it, they'l appreciate the love and care that has been given to them, and thus, they'l give u love and care as well as a sign of appreciation. i find it really hard to believe when someone says they don't expect anything in return after they've given so much.i am sure they expect something in return but they refuse to believe that they'l get something back.

so all in all, appreciation is something more important than anything else. appreciation makes the world go round.so start appreciating people around u now.things that are blessed to u, even if it doesnt cost a thing.most of the time, the most important things in life are priceless.=)
don't ever take things for granted.things that are taken for granted are never meant to be yours.=)

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