just like sunny days we ignore

breakfast at tiffany's ?

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you say that we got nothing in common.
no common ground to start from.
and we're falling apart.
you'll say the world have come between us.
but i know you just don't care.

i see you.the only one who knew me.
and know you see right through me.
i guess i was wrong.
so what now? it's plain to see we're over.
and i hate when things are over.
when so much is left undone.

and i said "what about breakfast at tiffany's" ?
she said, "i think i remember the film,
and as i recall, i think we both kinda liked it."

and i said, "well, that's the one thing we've got."

deep blue something - breakfast at tiffany's

do we need so many things in common just to be together?
do we even need something in common?


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