just like sunny days we ignore

a flaw.

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everyone has at least one.
what do we do with it?
do we even know its a flaw?
can we even see our own flaws?
but how come we can see others?
when we cant even see our own?
do we look at ourselves first before talking about others?
maybe what you're seeing in others, is what you fail to see in yourself.

well.it just struck it to me when this bon jovi song is playing on winamp.
that, life is short, there's no time to look back,
no time to live in the past,
there's only time lookin at what you've done so far,
and try to live with it.
no time for regrets.
no time to reminisce.
this song, "welcome to wherever you are".

If you feel alone and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning is some beginning's end

When it seems you're lost, alone and feelin' down
Remember, everybody's different, just take a look around

When you want to give up and your heart's about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes

that single line alone shook me up. i guess it can do the same for u as well.live well.=)

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