wipe that smile off your face.
Published Monday, August 14, 2006 by jovi | E-mail this post
*cough* *cough*
*krakk* *krakk*
u guessed it.im sick.=)
didn't know how i got it tho. suddenly out of nowhere, my body starts to ache badly, my flu became worst. yes,it became worst, i've been having flu for a long time .=) .AND suddenly i started coughing thick yellow phelgm.=)
it only means one thing.i'm officially sick.=)
and so i took a panadol yesterday night and slept.didn't get to college today.reali reali lethargic.my whole body aches.its like, pins and needles all over.it was very painful.didn't know what happened.zzzzz.but i'm okay now.
i miss you.it's been a long time since i saw you.yes you.that you.owh well.i wonder how long more must i wait.
owh today's
download of the day is .....
*jang jang jang*
a song by
OUR LADY PEACEhahaha...i don't think many will like it.but i think it's a good song.=)
to download click here --->
Our Lady Peace - Wipe That Smile Off Your Faceno eye candies today.im sick.
signed off.
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