just like sunny days we ignore

i'll come back for you.

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the butterfly effect.

small variations in the initial conditions of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behaviour of the system.

a drop of water causes a far ripple reaching effect on a pond.

a butterfly flapping its wings may cause a tornado on the other side of the world. 
had it not flap its wings, there are no initial condition in which the tornado depends on to happen.

had i not not did that. it may well be different from now.
had i not.
had i.

two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
i took the one with more thorns and spikes.
was it worth it?

hold up.
hold on.
don't be scared.
you'll never change what's been and gone.
may your smile shine on.
don't be scared.

your destiny may keep you warm.

cause all of the stars are fading away.
just try not to worry.
you'll see them some day.
take what you need and be on your way.
and stop crying your heart out.

get up.
come on.
why you scared?
i'm not scared.
you'll never change what's been and gone.

oasis - stop crying your heart out.

i'll come back for you.
i came back for you.


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