just like sunny days we ignore

da ba dee da ba die.

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please stop coming into my dreams
and telling me you love me
and you only want to be with me
and only me
cause in truth its not the truth.
and honestly, it fucking hurts.


yo listen up here's a story 
about a little guy
who lives in a blue world 
and all day and all night
and everything he sees is just blue
like him inside and outside.
blue his house.
with the blue little window
and a blue corvette
and everything is blue for him
and his self and everyone around
cause he ain't got nobody to listen to.

i'm blue
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.
i've OD'd and i've died.


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