just like sunny days we ignore

diary of jane.

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just a short drop by.=)
look at THIS!!

Congratulations jovi, you are...

Kenny Sia of kennysia.com

You have it all, or so you think. Big balls, big bird, big everything. Also a big heart and ever-ready big hug to give out to everybody who needs one. But you didn't know this. You're the one who need a hug the most. So hugs to you!

Which Malaysian Blogger Are You?

i was laughing my ass off when i saw my results owh well thanks to shuang's blog i found this quiz.=)

okok,now take a look at this picture.

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as you can see,mr angry is on the left while mrs calm is on the right. RIGHT?
so now, i need you to stand up from your computer chair and move 8 feet to the back.and look at the picture again.tell me what do you see.cool isn't it?.=)

owh well, pretty much nothing happened today so today's download of the day will be by

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breaking benjamin

from their latest album

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download here ----> Breaking Benjamin - Diary Of Jane (acoustic)

signed off.=)

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