just like sunny days we ignore

every little thing.

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so sleepy but i can't get to sleep.sigh.i think it's cause i can't sleep.

owh well college was fine today.nothing really special happened.=)

and owh the holidays is coming soon! and my class kinda organized some outing during that week of holidays.i hope its fun.its a pool partay!.=).sadly,myclass only got 4 girls...sigh..owh well.that week of holidays is also the week i must get my physics presentation ready.and my teacher wants it in only powerpoint form.just because we are in the high tech world already. . . =.="

in the span of one week.i have to learn how to use powerpoint.yes i know.i suck.cause i can't use powerpoint.but i'm gonna learn.=).and finish my physics topic about formula one and how physics influences racing cars. basically,it's just The Physics Of Racing Cars. wish me luck.=)

and today i got so damn !#%$!%#$!%#$ dulan with roy.zzzzzzzzzzzzz. see him also wanna !#&^!&*^$&!^%**$&$ him. he damn stupid ok.he thinks got money everything can. me and ashvin reali wanna slap kao him edi.

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ok tis is wat happened,me and ashvin already wrote our name on the waiting list and we are next to get comps at asia.net and then two person came to pay up and that means me and ashvin are getting comps next.and out of nowhere POS roy came storming from the door with his strawberry bubble tea and told the guy (the guy who is paying up for his comp) he'l pay him so he gets the comp.damn wtf right? even the cashier guy dulan with him.then me and ashvin sama sama stone there like #$^%heads. those 2 comps suppose to be ours. and roy just paid them and took it. t(=.=t)" . but yea, we got the other comp but me and ashvin didn't wanna sit wit roy,so we gave it to amanda instead. so yea,we waited somemore. knnccb damn dulan with him. psst. me and ashvin wanted to restart his comp when he playing cs but didn't la cuz i'm a good boy.=).so yea u think got money then u god ah?... zzzzz....

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damn Ducked up la.=)

weeeee...i'm sporting a goatee...heh...but its not long yet...still growing..=)...will let you guys know when it's longer.=).wonder how will i look like..=)..betteR?..=)

hmm..what's wrong with streamyx ah?..it's gettin really unstable these days. use use halfway.the lights start blinking then i get dc-ed.sigh.stupid streamyx..no hope wan.makes me wanna sCreamyx.

okla...gotta go do my maths homework...teacher's been picking on me alot cause..=)...i'm not doing very well..haha..owh well..must work harder...=)

and owh before signing off, here is a damn nice song by dishwalla.=)

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to download, click here ----> Dishwalla - Every Little Thing



i'm not advertising or wutever.i don't even know if the numbers are real.but i just find it so cool!go take a looK! MAGIC CEILING

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some times, people do make dreams come true.like having stars on your ceilings.=)

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that's all for today..see ya next time..=)..stay tuned.=)

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