just like sunny days we ignore



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my heart is filled withPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket but Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket but i know Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket so Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket and Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

i miss you.


i miss you jee lian..so badly now.. =/

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wo ai ni

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wo hen ai ni


為 什 麼 要 對 你 掉 眼 淚
你 難 道 不 明 白 為 了 愛
只 有 那 有 情 人 眼 淚 最 珍 貴
一 顆 顆 眼 淚 都 是 愛 都 是 愛

為 什 麼 要 對 你 掉 眼 淚
你 難 道 不 明 白 為 了 愛
要 不 是 有 情 郎 跟 我 要 分 開
我 眼 淚 不 會 掉 下 來 掉 下 來

好 春 纔 來 春 花 正 開
你 怎 捨 得 說 再 會
我 在 深 閨 望 穿 秋 水
你 不 要 忘 了 我 情 深 深 如 海

為 什 麼 要 對 你 掉 眼 淚
你 難 道 不 明 白 為 了 愛
要 不 是 有 情 郎 跟 我 要 分 開
我 眼 淚 不 會 掉 下 來 掉 下 來

lover's tears

why do i weep and grieve so?
do you not comprehend?
a lover’s tears are precious
each teardrop borne of love for her man

why do i weep and grieve so?
how could you not know, that for love i cry?
were you not parting now with me
no tears would fall from my eyes

spring surrounds us with the splendor of her blossoms
how could you bear to tell me we must part?
my yearning unspeakable, unfathomable as the autumn rain
forget not the depths of my love for you as deep the ocean

why do i weep and grieve so?
how could you not know, that for love i cry?
were you not parting now with me
no tears would fall from my eyes

ps : this song is the old song they keep playing in the movie "secret"..=)..love you baby!

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