just like sunny days we ignore

so much for time.

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slight hope dangles on a string.
like slow spinning redemption.
winding in and winding out.
the shine of which has caught my eye.

and roped me in.
so mesmerizing.
so hypnotizing.
i am captivated.

i am vindicated.
i am selfish.
i am wrong.
i am right.
i swear i'm right.
i swear i knew it all along.

and i am flawed.
but i am cleaning up so well.
i am seeing the things you swore you saw yourself so clear.

so turn up the corners of your lips.
part them and feel my finger tips.
trace the moment for forever.
defense is paper thin.
just one touch and i'd be in too deep now.
to swim against the current.

so let me slip away.
so let me slip away.
so let me slip away.
so let me slip against the current.

vindicated - dashboard confessional

i found out.
i was left out.
i wish i could be out.


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