just like sunny days we ignore


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i can bet that most of u,having the intellectual to read this blog, will know who is wolverine.and with the recent release of the movie X-MEN III THE LAST STAND in the theatres,wolverine will be more than just a character in the comic.

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my favourite superhero in X-Men used to be gambit.he is just so cool.with all his cards and not forgetting royal flushes.=).but he was never featured in the X-Men movie franchise before.that's really a waste because there's so much story involving gambit.

but yea.i still stay true to gambit,but my favourite superhero in the X-Men movie is wolverine.
why? is it because of his titanium steeled claws portruding from his hands?is it because of his uber cool lion hairstyle?=P.or is it because of his uncanny ability to be super calm and cool in all kinds of situations?

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logan from x-men III.

to me,it's never his appearance.what attracts me most about wolverine is his ability to heal himself immediately after being hurt.even after being stabbed so many times,he can still heal himself just like that.no surgery,no blood,no spills, no death.

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and to add to the scene,he was the cool one.the quiet one.the one to keep all his feelings inside in the love triangle between him,scott and jean.and in the ending part of the movie,he withstand all kinds of torture just to save jean.save jean from her own disaster.is that how true love works?u put yourself on the line,so that your loved ones do not have to suffer?

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the triangle.

i wish i was wolverine.to be able to heal all my cuts and bruises immediately.to be able to let someone go.to be able to save someone from themself.to be able to love someone so deeply.to be able to withstand all the hurt inside.

but.reality strikes.it's all fantasy.thanks for reading.have fun.=)

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